Late Collection of your Child
We understand that occasionally incidents occur which make you late to collect your child but unfortunately there are some parents who are consistently late collecting. If for reasons out of your control you are going to be late collecting your children then please notify us immediately so that we can ensure that two members of staff remain in the building to care for your child. As we are sure you will understand, our staff work very long hours so out of respect for them we would appreciate your co-operation in making every effort to pick up your child on time.
Parent Partnership
At Rocking Horse Nursery we are dedicated to building good partnerships with all our parents. This allows us to gain a wealth of knowledge about the children which only parents know about their children.
We welcome any input parents wish to offer whether it’s parental help or providing different materials and equipment for children’s play.
Key Persons
Within each room your child will be assigned a key worker. The key worker works alongside parents documenting Children’s development within a learning journey. The learning journey will consist of spontaneous observations, examples of children’s work, learning stories and photographs all documenting children’s learning and development against the Early Years Foundation Stage.
We like to offer the children lots of opportunities to explore their surroundings and lead their own learning. Unfortunately this can get a little messy so we ask parents not to send children to nursery in their best clothes. Could you also please ensure your child has appropriate clothing for the weather e.g. wellies, coats, sunhats etc. To aid identification of these items please ensure they are all clearly named.
From time to time we accept students from local schools and colleges. As part of their studies they may need to carryout observations on the children, consent for this is required upon registration. If you have any reservations or queries about this please speak to Fiona or Shelley.
Upon registration all parent/carers are asked to read the Nursery’s policies and sign for confirmation. These policies and procedures are put in place to protect everybody involved in the setting including; children, parents and staff. These policies are regularly updated and reviewed. You will be informed of any changes through notices in the reception area. A copy of all policies is kept in reception on the red shelf above the signing in book.